Kitty Kitten is a heartwarming animated children's movie that follows her adventures at the library, on a train, and in the snow with friends. From building snowmen to baking cookies with her grandmother, Kitty's life is full of excitement. Discovering the wonders of railroads with her dad and bouncing back from illness with her vigilant mother, Kitty's journey is a charming winter tale filled with joy and friendship.
Stars: Dominika Kluźniak, Jacek Kopczyński
Crew: Dominik Litwiniak (Director), Anna Błaszczyk (Director), Marta Stróżycka (Director), Eugeniusz Gordziejuk (Executive Producer), Maciej Kur (Writer), Anita Głowińska (Writer)
Language: Polski
Runtime: 42 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 08, 2023
IMDb: 10