The film is centered around Azhaguraja (Karthi), his friend and adviser Kalyanam (Santhanam) who runs a little known TV channel. He falls head over heels for at first sight with Devi Priya (Kajal Aggarwal) daughter of a rich businessman and the rest of the story is how he wins her in the end.
Stars: Karthi, Kajal Agarwal, Santhanam, Radhika Apte, Prabhu, Saranya Ponvannan
Crew: Jacki (Art Direction), Sakthi Saravanan (Director of Photography), M. Rajesh (Writer), K. E. Gnanavelraja (Producer), S. Thaman (Music), Vivek Harshan (Editor)
Country: India
Language: தமிழ்
Studio: Studio Green
Runtime: 150 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 02, 2013
IMDb: 7.3