A courageous team of heroes battles the evil king of the planet Voice who's plotting to overthrow Earth through corporate raiding in this anime parody of Super Sentai/Power Rangers programs. The members of the Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman -- Shinesman Red, Shinesman Sepia, Shinesman Moss Green, Shinesman Salmon Pink and Shinesman Gray -- use the time between meetings and deadlines at the Right Corporation to bring down the bad guys.
Genre: Animation, Science Fiction, Comedy
Crew: Hisao Shirai (Director of Photography), Shinya Sadamitsu (Storyboard), Yasue Funami (Editor), Shinya Sadamitsu (Director), Kaimu Tachibana (Writer)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Production I.G, Sony Music Entertainment
Runtime: 60 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Feb 21, 1996
IMDb: 6.5