Piano to Zanskar is a British documentary film which tells the story of the highest piano delivery attempt in history. It follows Desmond Gentle, a piano tuner from Camden Town in London, and his two apprentices: Anna Ray and Harald Hagegard, as well as a 100-year old Broadwood & Sons upright piano, on their way from London to Zanskar in the Indian Himalayas.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Desmond O’Keeffe, Anna Ray, Harald Hagegard, Kristina Nadler
Crew: Ernst Reijseger (Music), Jamie Noble (Colorist), Michal Sulima (Editor), Daniel Sonabend (Music), Gevorg Chepchyan (Visual Effects), Agathe Barbier (Editor)
Country: India, United Kingdom
Language: English, اردو
Studio: Between Friends
Runtime: 86 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 12, 2019
IMDb: 3.8