This elegantly profound documentary explores the award-winning, mystical work of American comics creator, cartoonist, and painter Jim Woodring. As an artist that has astounded the world for three decades, he has also suffered from hyper-realistic hallucinations and visions since he was a child - eventually diagnosed as autism and prosopagnosia. His artwork has been lauded and collected by cultural luminaries such as Jeff Bridges (actor), Paul Allen(co-founder, Microsoft), and filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather). Audiences both familiar and unfamiliar with Woodring’s work will be fascinated by this powerful, cinematic biography which details the artist’s haunted youth and his attempts to make sense of a world that seemed less real while dealing with the challenges of his autism and spiritual curiosities.
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Jim Woodring
Crew: Chris Brandt (Director), Chris Brandt (Editor), Jim Woodring (Writer), Chris Brandt (Executive Producer), MIguel Cima (Executive Producer), Douglas Horn (Camera Operator)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Bain Street Productions
Runtime: 97 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 15, 2019
IMDb: 10