Koichi is an ordinary youth given extraordinary powers to fight a shadowy underworld of renegade psychics. Hidden in a forgotten desert lies the tower of Babel, created by an unknown force. As its successor, Koichi summons three psychic guardians and challenges Yomi, Leon and any other renegades brave enough to stand in his path.
Genre: Animation, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Kenichi Suzumura, Yui Horie, Hiroya Ishimaru, Kenyu Horiuchi, Masafumi Kimura, Mugihito
Crew: Ikuo Shimazu, Akira Tsuburaya, Takayuki Yanagisawa, Tomoyuki Imai, Takahiko Masuda, Ken Baba
Country: JP
Studio: TV Tokyo
Runtime: 24:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 05, 2001
Last air date: Dec 28, 2001
Episode: 13 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 6