This series tells the story of two security agents named Kamal (Hamidreza Pegah) and Afshin (Amin Zandegani), one of whom is in charge of the anti-terrorist team and the other in charge of the anti-corruption and anti-money laundering team. According to the received news, Kamal is informed that the terrorist teams of ISIL are going to launch operations in Iran. Kamal and his team are tracking down an ISIL operative with information received from abroad so that they can identify his liaison in Tehran. Gradually, during this story, two complex terrorist and economic cases are connected and ...
Genre: Crime, Action & Adventure
Stars: Hamidreza Pegah, Amin Zendegani, Sima Tirandaz
Crew: Hossein Torab Nejad, Ahmad Moazemi
Country: IR
Studio: IRIB TV1
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Nov 01, 2020
Last air date: Nov 01, 2020
Episode: 1 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10