The California Raisin Show is an animated television series based on the claymation advertising characters The California Raisins. The show is based on an Emmy Award-winning claymation special, Meet the Raisins!, which originally aired on CBS in 1989. After the show's 13-episode run, a sequel to the original special, Raisins: Sold Out!: The California Raisins II, aired in 1990.
While the characters are traditionally depicted in claymation, the TV show was cel animated by Murakami-Wolf-Swenson. It did, however, maintain Will Vinton as creative director and executive producer. It takes place in a world populated by anthropomorphic fruits and vegetables and focuses on the main characters, the California Raisins: A.C., Beebop, Stretch, and Red. Each episode has one or more musical numbers.
Stars: Cam Clarke, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Dorian Harewood, Willard E. Pugh, Cree Summer, Brian Cummings
Crew: Andy Luckey, Larry DiTillio, Fred Wolf, Barry Bruce, Rowby Goren, Mark Gustafson
Country: US
Studio: CBS
Runtime: 30:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 16, 1989
Last air date: Sep 08, 1990
Episode: 15 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 7.7
Keywords:claymation, will vinton