The story of the cautious Raúl, who reconnects with free-spirited and newly pregnant Marta following his heart cancer diagnosis. They resume a friendship that began in childhood, and in a relationship brought together by fate, begin to test their beliefs about love. Can the commitment-phobic Marta fall in love? And can Raúl meet the love of his life?
Stars: Verónica Echegui, Joan Amargós Rubert
Crew: Oriol Pérez Alcaraz, Patricia Sagués, Elena Bort, Ana Eiras, Ignacio Segura, Toni Carrizosa
Country: ES
Studio: Apple TV+
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Feb 05, 2025
Last air date: Jan 01, 1970
Episode: 7 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10