Narcotics Enforcement Agent Riko Ikazuchi is undercover with her junior colleague Noma in an apartment that serves as the hideout for a criminal organization. Despite Riko and Noma posing as a newlywed couple, the criminals begin to suspect them after not hearing any marital intimacy during the night. To convince them that they are a loving couple, Noma starts touching Riko's body... Despite the feelings of humiliation and pleasure throughout the undercover investigations, Riko endures them and devotes herself to justice.
Genre: Animation
Stars: Sahomi Koyama, Jun Osuka
Crew: Hisayoshi Hirasawa, Saburou Miura, Saburou Miura, mothicaw, LAZZ, LAZZ
Country: JP
Studio: Tokyo MX, BS11
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 02, 2023
Last air date: Dec 04, 2023
Episode: 8 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 5.2