The series follows the events during the fall and winter of 1991–92, when John Ausonius shot a total of eleven people with an immigrant background. The series partly follows Ausonius during the execution of the crime, and partly the police's detective work. The series also provides an insight into Ausonius' earlier life, from high school age onwards.
Stars: David Dencik, Sten Ljunggren, Ralph Carlsson, Mats Blomgren, Leif Andrée, Per Morberg
Crew: Mikael Marcimain, Maria Sohlman Wikman, Mattias Morheden, Susann Billberg Rydholm, Cilla Rörby, Marianne Gray
Country: SE
Studio: SVT1
Runtime: 89:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Nov 23, 2005
Last air date: Dec 07, 2005
Episode: 3 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4.4