Billy the Cat is the title of a Franco-Belgian comic strip by the Belgian Stéphane Colman and Stephen Desberg, as well as an animated cartoon adaptation, amongst others. Both comic and cartoon deal with the everyday and secret lives of urban animals, although they take very different approaches to it, and while the characters are largely the same in both versions, the stories and situations are very different.
Stars: Iylas Mettioui, Robert Guilmard, Alain louis, Géraldine Frippiat
Crew: Jean-François Laguionie, Les Orton, Stephen Desberg, Stéphan Colman, Jean-Pierre Jacquet
Country: FR
Studio: France 3, Canal+
Runtime: 22:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 10, 1996
Last air date: Nov 30, 2001
Episode: 78 Episode
Season: 4 Season
IMDb: 5