Little Battlers eXperience, originally known as Danball Senki is a series of action role-playing video games created by Level-5, involving small plastic model robots known as LBXs that fight on dioramas made out of cardboard, with the main character setting out to battle against LBXs created by other characters. The first game of the series is released on June 16, 2011 for the PlayStation Portable and has expanded to 6 official games and three Japanese anime series.
Genre: Animation, Action & Adventure
Crew: Kaoru Aoki, Naohito Takahashi
Country: JP
Studio: TV Tokyo, Nicktoons, Discovery Toons Latin America, Discovery Force
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Mar 02, 2011
Last air date: Dec 25, 2013
Episode: 139 Episode
Season: 3 Season
IMDb: 3.6