Family Album, also known as Danielle Steel's Family Album, is a 1994 television film directed by Jack Bender. The film, which was released in two parts, is based upon the 1985 novel of the same name written by Danielle Steel. The drama centers on the life chronology of a Hollywood actress who becomes a successful film director in an era where directing was dominated by men.
Genre: Drama, War & Politics
Stars: Jaclyn Smith, Michael Ontkean, Joe Flanigan, Kristin Minter, Leslie Horan, Tom Mason
Crew: Danielle Steel, Karol Ann Hoeffner, Jack Bender, Lee Holdridge, Mark Melnick, Karol Ann Hoeffner
Country: US
Studio: NBC
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 23, 1994
Last air date: Oct 24, 1994
Episode: 2 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 7.1