Toda una dama is a successful Venezuelan telenovela produced and broadcast on RCTV International in 2007. The telenovela is a remake of Señora, an original story written by renowned telenovela author José Ignacio Cabrujas. This new verison was adapred by Iris Dubs and starred Christina Dieckmann and Ricardo Álamo as the main protagonists with Nohely Arteaga starred as the main antagonist.
Stars: Christina Dieckmann, Ricardo Álamo, Roberto Messuti, Nohely Arteaga, María Gabriela de Faría, Ámbar Díaz
Crew: Mario Rinaldi, Zaret Romero, Jose Gerardo Guillén, Dagoberto González, Oscar Escobar, Francisco Cabrujas
Country: VE
Studio: RCTV
Runtime: 45:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Nov 07, 2007
Last air date: Jun 30, 2008
Episode: 169 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.8