This dramatic series follows a group of troubled Mexican teens in their last year of school, coping with such challenges as drug abuse and sexual identity. In other words, growing up.
Stars: Irene Azuela, Eduardo Victoria, Lisa Owen, Sofía Sisniega, Ignacio Flores de la Lama, Christian Vazquez
Crew: Ricardo Alvarez Canales, Fernanda Eguiarte, Natalia Mejía, Natassja Ybarra, Tania Ángeles Begun, Florencia Castillo
Country: MX
Studio: Cadenatres
Runtime: 42:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Mar 14, 2011
Last air date: Aug 28, 2011
Episode: 120 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 1
Keywords:high school, telenovela