Narumi Fujishima is an ordinary high school boy who remains isolated from his fellow classmates. One afternoon fellow classmate Ayaka Shinozaki invites Narumi to join the gardening club and introduces him to a reclusive detective named Alice. Alice hires Narumi as an assistant and puts him to work solving the strange mysteries of Angel fix, an illegal drug. Little does he know it could put him and Ayaka in serious trouble.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery
Stars: Kenichi Suzumura, Masaya Matsukaze, Yui Ogura, Ai Kayano, Kouki Miyata, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Crew: Satoshi Fujita, Seishi Minakami, Katsushi Sakurabi
Country: JP
Studio: Chiba TV, Teletama, Tokyo MX, AT-X, MBS, CBC, tvk
Runtime: 24:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jul 02, 2011
Last air date: Sep 23, 2011
Episode: 12 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.2
Keywords:detective, drug smuggling, secret agent, black humor, mafia, conspiracy, tragedy, coming of age, gang, seinen, anime, neet