The drama series depicts the life of Tokuzo Akiyama, head chef of the Imperial Household Ministry’s Imperial Cuisine Division during the Taisho (1912-1926) and early Showa (1926-1989) eras. Based on a true story and book by Hisahide Sugimori, 'The Emperor’s Cook' follows the life of country boy, Akiyama, who arrives in Tokyo in pursuit of the culinary arts. Driven by a deep love for his wife and family, a great reverence for his teachers, strong reliance on friends and an abiding love for cooking, Akiyama eventually rises to become 'the Emperor’s cook'.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Haru Kuroki, Takeru Satoh, Tetsuya Takeda, Ryohei Suzuki, Tetta Sugimoto, Jun Miho
Crew: Yoshiko Morishita
Country: JP
Studio: TBS
Runtime: 46:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Apr 26, 2015
Last air date: Jul 12, 2015
Episode: 12 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 3.657