This is the magical story of a new-born baby abandoned on the doorstep of a Franciscan monastery, who grows up to become a cheerful and mischievous boy called Marcelino Pan y Vino. Marcelino, who is able to talk with animals, lives very closed to the animals, the trees and plants. He delights in discovering new things, and often asks unusual questions. The friars educate and love the boy.
Genre: Animation, Drama, Family
Stars: Alessio Puccio, Letizia Ciampa, Carlo Reali, Sergio Tedesco, Dario De Grassi, Giorgio Locuratolo
Country: ES
Studio: TF1
Runtime: 22:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Aug 29, 2001
Last air date: Mar 16, 2011
Episode: 78 Episode
Season: 3 Season
IMDb: 3.3