V1k1: A Techno Fairytale
Set in a modern-day alternate universe, V1K1 tells the story of Gabriel, a human scientist, and his obsession to prove the existence of fairies. He accidentally captures one of them in his laboratory and gets invited into a dimension beyond his dreams. Produced with the assistance of the staff and students from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College West, V1K1 is Tzang Merwyn Tong’s third film that won the Gold Remi Award in the Fantasy/Sci Fi category at the 2011 WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival.
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller
Stars: Leanna Tan, Seth Adams, Amanda Ling, Lyon Sim, Del Wynegar
Crew: Tzang Merwyn Tong (Director), Tzang Merwyn Tong (Writer), Samantha Sng (Producer), Tzang Merwyn Tong (Producer), Samantha Sng (Production Designer), Amanda Ling (Music)
Country: Singapore
Language: English
Runtime: 28 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Mar 03, 2011
IMDb: 10