Do you pee in the shower? Have you ever cheated on an exam? What is your favorite deep-fried snack? And do you prefer wine over beer? Not too serious topics, but we can still discuss them for hours. We will find out Flanders' answers to these and many more questions in the brand new humorous panel show Enquêtebureau with host Steven Van Herreweghe. Two teams of three well-known Flemish people compete against each other with the aim of testing their knowledge about the behavior and habits of the Flemish. In the meantime, the BVs themselves expose their souls in witty and often surprising anecdotes and revelations. The result: a panel show that holds up a mirror to the viewer at home. Because what's more fun than having a good laugh at ourselves?
Equipe técnica:
Tempo de Execução: Original Language Dutch; Flemish minutos
Qualidade: HD
Primeira data do ar: Jan 01, 1970
Última data do ar: Jan 01, 1970
Episódio: Episódio
Temporada: Temporada